Kid Cosmic Season 2 is REALLY About *SPOILER*

| Ivan Montero Creative

I mean, obviously, there’ll be spoilers. It’s in the title. Warning Sent.

I watched Kid Cosmic season 1 earlier this year only because I had seen a clip on youtube that looked cool and what I saw looked like a kid’s show. Boy was I [kind of] wrong! This show is short, digestible, and binge-able – but most importantly, it is ACTUALLY GOOD! When the season finale happened and it was revealed there were in actuality thirteen Cosmic Stones of Power and not just five, well, my whole universe shattered.

Kid Cosmic season 2 came out to my surprise a tiny bit ago and it took me a while to actually watch this season. At the time, I was watching … something, maybe it was Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 8 or The Rain or 3% – not sure. I did attempt to start it and I was just… bored. It starts off a little slow. You’re first reintroduced to their new setting but then it quickly turns into a slow burn. HA – it is literally a match. The initial ignition is a great eye-candy brightness, but then it turns into a slow, slow burn. It isn’t until the middle of episode two where things get interesting for the crew. This is when I realized… season two, thankfully enough, is not about Kid Cosmis again (because he seemed to have not learned from season 1, honestly), but about our favorite purple-haired teleporting teenaged waitress hero, Jo.

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This season focuses on Jo’s journey to become a leader. It is refreshing to see this story arc because leaders in superhero franchises seem to be natural-born leaders and take the helms pretty easily. In Jo’s case, she fails constantly for a plethora of reasons, but it always stems down to the main thing: her pride. A lot of you will argue that it’s her insecurity, as she says herself, “it’s a battle against [herself],” which seems like insecurity. However, I want to counter that argument by asking why was she insecure? She was giving in to her own fear of failure, fear of looking like a failure, fear of being a failure in the eyes of her team, Quen Xhan, her mom, and the whole universe. It’s this pride that manifests as insecurity and fear and is ultimately the cause of her failures each time. I mean, they had the fire and ice stones in their possessions and she felt the need to shake them in the air because she just don’t care and they got snatched almost immediately. They had a successful heist, but her need to party and be the center of attention got their butts whooped when Fantos arrived. Am I a bad person that I agreed with Jo and was like “y’all gotta vamoose!” but Kid… well, Kid was being a real hero by attempting to stop Fantos.

Jo goes through a lot this season from getting her butt kicked to saving an entire alien civilization, to winning a space brawl fight show called Fight Hole, to saving betraying her team only to be betrayed herself. In the end, Jo learns the value of a team who are also your trusted friends and relying on them to do their part with their unique power set. It’s a nice story arc for Jo, especially as a female character, to learn, earn, and win the respect and honor of being a leader. Jo is easily my favorite character because she had to endure so much to get to where she is at. She even got to reconcile things with her mother, as well, realizing the recipe her father left them isn’t just something to remember when working at the diner, but something to remember always for everything you do.

(Really quick side note, did ANYONE else think Queen Xhan Could have been Erodius this whole time or she was evil this whole time and she was just using Jo to get the stones herself to destroy/rule the universe? Cuz I got that. I got that heavily. I thought she would have been the big bad for season 3, but I have no complaints about what really did happen, haha)

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The season’s third act includes Fantos arriving with Erodius to Earth via a giant portal, however, the local heroes all – using one of the thirteen cosmic stones each – travel to Erodiu’s surface to dismantle the planet-eating planet. Fantos proves to be a formidable foe as all he wants to do is ride around the galaxy with his celebrity crush destroying planets creating more cosmic stones (the throwaway line was not overlooked! I see you!) for Fantos to add to his collection. At some point during the battle, Jo teleports pieces of Erodius away only to realize that there are more cosmic stones on Erodius because each cosmic stone is a piece of a dead planet and Erodius is made up of dozens of dead planets! So the team all now share pretty much the same powers and are able to pair their main power with any of the other powers/stones! THIS WAS SO COOL TO SEE, but I wondered if it was too much of a Deus ex machina. Something felt … off. I wasn’t sure what yet. When the heroes won and destroyed the planet… that’s where it hit me: Wait, what about all the stones…?

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As the stones fell from the sky, I still asked the same question of “what about all of those stones?!” The season ended with the real government (of course, led by women saying the men were crazy and nonsensical, it cool) coming to congratulate them and essentially offering to sponsor them as they now kind of screwed up big time because now ANYONE can pick up HOWEVER MANY STONES THEY WANT and use them for their own agendas… yikes. At least, now we know what Kid Cosmic’s season 3 will be about and will be titled, Kid Cosmic and the Global Heroes! Kid Cosmic and the Intergalactic Truck Stop gets a 9/10 for me!

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